Dantes Dream at the Time of the Death of
Pia De Tolomei
La viuda romana
The Day Dream

By George Frederic Watts
Born: May 12, 1828 London, England Died:
April 9, 1882 Birchington-on-Sea, Kent, England
English painter and poet
The English painter and poet Dante Gabriel
Rossetti was a cofounder of the Pre-Raphaelite
Brotherhood, a band of painters that reacted
against unimaginative and traditional historical
paintings. His works show a passionate imagination,
strongly contrasting Victorian art which
was popular during the second half of the
nineteenth century.
Born on May 12, 1828, in London, England,
of English-Italian parents, Dante Gabriel
Rossetti was surrounded throughout his childhood
in the atmosphere of medieval Italy, which
drew heavily from art and literature from
the sixth to fifteenth centuries. This influence
became a major source of his subject matter
and artistic inspiration later in his career.
As a child, almost as soon as he could speak,
he began composing plays and poems. He also
liked to draw and was a bright student. After
two years in the Royal Academy schools he
studied briefly under Ford Madox Brown in
Shortly after Rossetti joined William Holman
Hunt's studio in 1848, the Pre-Raphaelite
Brotherhood was formed, in Hunt's words,
"to do battle against the frivolous
silly art of the day." An association
of artists so varied in artistic style, technique,
and expressive spirit as the Pre-Raphaelites
could not long survive, and it was principally
owing to Rossetti's forceful, almost hypnotic
personality that the Brotherhood held together
long enough to achieve the critical and popular
recognition necessary for the success of
its mission.
Rossetti did not have the natural technical
talent that is seen in the small detail and
brilliant color of a typical Pre-Raphaelite
painting, and his early oil paintings, the
Girlhood of Mary Virgin (1849) and the Ecce
Ancilla Domini (1850), were produced only
at the expense of great technical effort.
In the less demanding technique of watercolor,
however, Rossetti clearly revealed his imaginative
power. The series of small watercolors of
the 1850s produced such masterpieces as Dante's
Dream (1856) and the Wedding of St. George
and the Princess Sabra (1857).
In almost all of Rossetti's paintings of
the 1850s he used Elisabeth Siddal as his
model. Discovered in a hat shop in 1850,
she was adopted by the Brotherhood as their
ideal of feminine beauty. In 1852 she became
exclusively Rossetti's model, and in 1860
his wife. Struggling with growing depression,
she killed herself two years later. Rossetti
buried a manuscript of his poems in her coffin,
a characteristically dramatic gesture which
he later regretted. Beata Beatrix (1863),
a posthumous portrait (portrait done after
her death) of Elizabeth Siddal is one of
Rossetti's most deeply felt paintings. It
is one of his last masterpieces and the first
in a series of symbolic, female portraits,
which declined gradually in quality as his
interest in painting decreased.
Although poetry was simply a relaxation from
painting early in Rossetti's career, writing
later became more important to him, and in
1871 he wrote to fellow painter Ford Modox
Brown, "I wish one could live by writing
poetry." In 1861 he published his translations
from Dante (1265-1321) and other early Italian
poets, reflecting the medieval obsessions
of his finest paintings. In 1869 the manuscript
of his early poems was recovered from his
wife's coffin and published the next year.
Rossetti's early poems under strong Pre-Raphaelite
influence, such as "The Blessed Damozel"
(1850; later revised) and "The Portrait,"
have an innocence and spiritual passion paralleled
by his paintings of the 1850s. As his interest
in painting declined, Rossetti's poetry improved,
until in his later works, such as "Rose
Mary" and "The White Ship"
The Pre-Raphaelite
The Pre-Raphaelite was a group of English
painters, poetes and critics, founded in
1848 by William Holman Hunt, John Everett
Millais and Dante Gabriel Rossetti
A later, medievalising strain inspired by
Rossetti included Edward Burne-Jones and
extended into the twentieth century with
artists such as John William Waterhouse.
The group's intention was to reform art by
rejecting what it considered the mechanistic
approach first adopted by Mannerist artists
who succeeded Raphael and Michelangelo. Its
members believed the Classical poses and
elegant compositions of Raphael in particular
had been a corrupting influence on the academic
teaching of art, hence the name "Pre-Raphaelite".
In particular, the group objected to the
influence of Sir Joshua Reynolds, founder
of the English Royal Academy of Art, whom
they called "Sir Sloshua". To the
Pre-Raphaelites, according to William Michael
Rossetti, "sloshy" meant "anything
lax or scamped in the process of painting
... and hence ... any thing or person of
a commonplace or conventional kind".
The brotherhood sought a return to the abundant
detail, intense colours and complex compositions
of Quattrocento Italian art. The group associated
their work with Johnan Ruskin English critic
whose influences were driven by his religious
Through the PRB initials, the brotherhood
announced in coded form the arrival of a
new movement in British art. The group continued
to accept the concepts of history painting
and mimesis, imitation of nature, as central
to the purpose of art. The Pre-Raphaelites
defined themselves as a reform movement,
created a distinct name for their form of
art, and published a periodical, The Germ,
to promote their ideas. The group's debates
were recorded in the Pre-Raphaelite Journal.
The principles were deliberately non-dogmatic,
since the brotherhood wished to emphasise
the personal responsibility of individual
artists to determine their own ideas and
methods of depiction. Influenced by Romanticism,
the members thought freedom and responsibility
were inseparable. Nevertheless, they were
particularly fascinated by medioval culture,
believing it to possess a spiritual and creative
integrity that had been lost in later eras.
The emphasis on medieval culture clashed
with principles of realism which stress the
independent observation of nature. In its
early stages, the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
believed its two interests were consistent
with one another, but in later years the
movement divided and moved in two directions.
The realists were led by Hunt and Millais,
while the medievalists were led by Rossetti
and his followers, Edward Burne-Jones and
William Morris. The split was never absolute,
since both factions believed that art was
essentially spiritual in character, opposing
their idealism to the materialist realism
associated with Coubert and Impressionism.